Houstonia pusilla

Common name(s): Tiny bluet

Houstonia pusilla
Houstonia pusilla

Wildflower Information for Houstonia pusilla
Common name(s) Tiny bluet
Flowers color: purple   petals: four
Leaves basal
Peak bloom period mid-March to mid-April
Origin native
Similar species
Where to see it
Houstonia pusilla
Houstonia pusilla
Houstonia pusilla
Houstonia pusilla
Houstonia pusilla - leaves
Houstonia pusilla – leaves
Houstonia pusilla - leaves
Houstonia pusilla – leaves
Houstonia pusilla - plants
Houstonia pusilla – plants

2 thoughts on “Houstonia pusilla”

  1. This is amazing! I just saw this species for the first time in Fairfax County on a walk with some VNPS and Fairfax County natural resources staff near the Confederate Fortifications site near Bull Run, south of 29. Nelson DeBarros was with us, and when I pointed out the tiny bluets he identified them as H. pusilla. I was aware of the species and even had an old image from the Digital Atlas of the Flora of VA, showing them native to southeastern VA counties but not Northern Virginia. Now I see them marked in the Fairfax County on the VA map.

    1. The ones pictured were photographed at Lake Fairfax Park. The bluets were growing all over the gravel parking lot. I literally stepped out of my car, looked down, and there they were.

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